HYPERDONTIA     “Harvest of Malevolence”

By Theron Moore

Bands with medical names or conditions always make me do a second look...oh, did I mention HYPERDONTIA have a new record out?  Just like their name, this record has “extra teeth” when it comes to how hard the music bites down. HYPERDONTIA crank out a heavy, destructive brand of death metal, no argument about it.

New record “Harvest of Malevolence” is generally good death metal across the board checking all the boxes for me in terms of thrashy / death / mosh inspired beats and the pre-requisite scary, demonic vocals but in the end that’s all this record is: Good. It’s somewhat average death metal; of the eight songs I listened to only three out of eight songs captured my attention and stood out as “interesting” but nothing I’d got out of my way to download / purchase. 

Don’t misinterpret what I’m saying here. “Harvest Of Malevolence” is a good record, and it’s heavy as hell, but there’s nothing “break out” about the music presented here. The three songs that I dug were the two DEICIDE inspired tracks, “Irrevocable Disaster” and “Death Embrace” as well as close out tune, “Servant To A Crippled God.”

It’s strange to review a record that’s generally good but on the other hand somewhat average, not bringing anything new to the table. Well, I guess it’s kind of like pulling teeth (or extra teeth), right? I think death metal fans will like “Harvest Of Malevolence” but I’m looking for something that’ll jump off the record and get stuck in my brain and this album didn’t do it for me. 

2/5 Stars