RAY ALDER     “Terribly Good Real Music”

By Colonel Angus

Ray Alder has been a staple in the metal community for quite some time.  Having burst onto the scene in 1988 with his great vocal performance on FATES WARNING’s “No Exit” album, he continues to make new music to this very day.  Not only was he lead vocalist for FATES WARNING for over three decades but he has also helmed REDEMPTION, ENGINE, and a couple of solo efforts.  He even managed to find time to collaborate with former FATE’s drummer Mark Zonder for a project called A-Z.  All of this leads me to his latest venture with FATES WARNING founder Jim Matheos called NORTH SEA ECHOES.  This latest release “Really Good Terrible Things” takes Alder and Matheos down a different musical path while still slightly tethered to FATES WARNING (more on that in the interview).  I was lucky enough to get a chance to ask Ray about this latest record along with other projects and future plans. 

Thanks very much for taking the time to talk to us!

WORMWOOD CHRONICLES: How did you come up with the name NORTH SEA ECHOES as the project name?

RAY ALDER: It was a name Jim had written down in his notes. We had several other ideas but this one seemed most appropriate for the music. 

WC: The album as a whole is different than FATES WARNING but you did touch on it with “When Snow Falls” from the last disk “Long Day Good Night”.  Did you think back in 2020 that you would be exploring a whole record with that type of feel?

RA: Not at all. We both really liked the way “When Snow Falls” turned out, and the fact that it was so different than all the other songs on the album. And I think the songs that Jim had written for this album were originally for his TUESDAY THE SKY project. 


WC: Many of the lyrics touch upon theme like sadness, wandering, and self-reflection.  Were you pulling these lyrics from your own experiences or did you create them based on the somber tones of the music?

RA: I wrote what the music made me feel. Some are based loosely on personal experiences but most were the product of a wandering imagination. For example, “No Maps” was what I imagined a wanderer would be thinking as he traveled the world alone. 

WC: In my opinion, “The Mission” and “Empty” are the heaviest tracks on “Really Good Terrible Things” and would not have been out of place on a FATES WARNING record.  Were these ideas initially meant for another FW album or were they all written new for NORTH SEA ECHOES?

RA: You would have to ask Jim that question. But I’m pretty sure he wrote them specifically for this album. 

WC: According to what I’ve read, Jim’s favorite track on “Really Good Terrible Things” is “No Maps”.  What is your favorite on this record?

RA: That is one of my favorites as well. But I also really like “The Mission”. Very different for us and also the fact that it almost didn’t make it on the record makes it a bit more special to me. 

WC: I hope that this is not meant to be a one-off project.  Are there any plans to continue either releasing more records or touring?

RA: I hope so too. While we were writing the record we never spoke of doing another. But now that it came out we have talked about doing another album, but right now we aren’t sure when. 

WC: Over the years, I feel that your voice has gotten this great depth and richness.  What do you do to maintain your vocal abilities?

RA: Nothing really. I do sing a lot in my home studio, writing and recording new music. But I don’t really rehearse unless it’s for some live shows. Maybe that adds to the depth and smokiness of my tone. Ha. 

WC: Your last solo record made the number 1 spot of my Top 10 of 2023.  Do you have any ideas brewing for your next solo record? 

RA: Thank you! That’s great! I do have a few, I’m still waiting to hear back from the record company on whether or not they want another one. But I’d love to really begin writing soon. 

WC: Another great record was the A-Z album you did with Mark Zonder.  Mark even mentioned in an interview that he would like to tour again.  Are there plans for more A-Z music or possibly a tour?

RA: I just finished the vocals for the next A-Z album. I’m not sure exactly when it will come out. And yes, Mark said that he wants to tour for it. 

WC: What other projects do you have in the pipeline?

RA: I’ve done a few side projects here and there but they won’t be released for awhile. I’m not at liberty to say with whom but as soon as I know they will be released I will announce through social media. 

WC: What was the last concert you attended as a fan?

RA: MR. BIG here in Madrid. I’m not a big fan but my wife is so we went. It was fun. Good band. 

WC: What was the last piece of music you purchased?

RA: I really don’t remember, sorry. 

WC: This last question can be from any of the band you were a part of (FATES WARNING, REDEPMTION, ENGINE).  Have you ever had a “Spinal Tap” moment where things went haywire that you could share with us?

RA: There was one time in Austin, Texas with FATES where someone (I think it was Mark) went off time during a piece of “A Pleasant Shade Of Gray” and everyone kept trying to get back in time. Ended up where everyone was playing something different and Jim finally threw his hands up and said, “stop!”. That was the only time that has ever happened. I was on the side of the stage smoking a cigarette going, “no way!!”. I’ll never forget it. 

WC: Any last messages or words to the fans?

RA: Just that I hope they enjoy the new NORTH SEA ECHOES album. It’s always nice to do something different and hopefully it will be appreciated. And thank you for your time.