SABÏRE     "Jatt"

By Dr. Abner Mality

Heavy metal is so awash in subgenres and microgenres that we hardly need any more. But now SABÏRE is here to bring us "acid metal".

And what is this new sonic delight? According to the overbearing press release,  it's here to save us from cookie cutter metal. I'll say's different for sure. Imagine the John Ricci ultra metallic guitar sound of EXCITER's "Violence And Force" playing  a cross between NWOBHM and prime 80s MOTLEY CRUE and a vocalist who could sing pure AOR. This is SABIRE in a nutshell.

Scarlett Monastyrski is the man behind both voice and guitar. The guitar sound here is so distorted and metallic, it sticks in your brain. Some of the faster tracks like "Total Fucking Hell" (sounds like the title of a SARCOFAGO track), "Just A Touch of Acid" and "Call Me Bastard" really rip. I just love that distorted guitar! Yet the riffing on tracks like "I'm A Rock" and "Alone Again" is pure Sunset Strip sleaze out of the CRUE's playbook.

I must say, it's a compelling vibe that's distinctive and unique. As for Scarlett's voice,  it's high, clear and growls or shrieking here. Lyrics are all over the place...from totally clichéd to almost profound. Toss in some throwaway interludes while you're at it. 

Scarlett describes "Jatt" as sounding "blue". To my ears,  it sounds sharp and cold and even sometimes sad. And most definitely unique. "Acid Metal"...I think I'll give it a shot.