FLUIDS     "Reduced Capabilities"

By Dr. Abner Mality

It's often said that death metal vocals are really just another instrument like guitars and drums, with actual lyrical content being irrelevant. FLUIDS sure proves that point beyond a shadow of a doubt. The endlessly roaring grumble of David Duran actually forces the fuzzed out guitars way into the background...even the drum machine takes a back seat to the constant wind tunnel puking of Duran. Those rotted vocals are so baked into the FLUIDS style of knuckle-dragging MORTICIAN worship that they can be considered the main ingredient.

The slamming deathgrind of these guys is on the most primitive level possible and FLUIDS is proud of that fact. The songs are mostly 2 minutes or less, which is generally to their advantage. The 6 minute plus "Generational Taint" succeeds because it's based on slower, more tar-like riffs. In general, the slower this band plays, the more enjoyable they are. The wide open speed blurs are even more faceless than MORTICIAN's, although brute force can't be denied. A very strange aberration is a cover of techno overlord MOBY's "God Moving Over the Faces of the Waters", which mixes spacious synth workouts with their more typical grind attack.

This is a band of minimalism and devotion to pure ugly death metal brutality. If that's what you're after with no frills whatsoever, get yourself hydrated with plenty of FLUIDS.